" sitcom is the abbrevation for situation comedy which is a bit hard to understand where does the situation comes from the situation actually means that this comedy features a background setup situation where the characters are located and act upon, in contrary to stand up comedy and sketch comedy, which are all background-less comedies "
stand up comedy 是那種單口相聲一樣的說笑,但是跟中國的相聲有那麼一點不一樣,中國的相聲通常一個段子的主題是固定的,但是 stand up comedy 的主題是很多三五分鐘的小段 就是一兩分鐘長度的笑話
那BACKGROUND是在講啥 就是,stand up comedy 跟 sketch comedy 因為在講述的本質上都是短的、而且是表演者講述的,所以表演者(actor, character)不需要身處於一個背景設定李就只有一個人站在舞台上而已 所以這是第二句的 background-less 的意思,說 stand up 跟 sketch 是 background-less comedy
所以是說,和這兩個相反,sitcom 是角色有身處一個背景設定的 comedy