Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kammerflimmer Kollektief Absencen

Over the course of four albums, German sextet Kammerflimmer Kollektief have woven mesmerizing instrumental Möbius strips, casually twisting and braiding various strands of ambient drones, free jazz, and moody, Angelo Badalamenti-like atmospherics into deceptively immovable, impenetrable knots. And though their latest work, Absencen, overturns few new stones, this thoughtfully organized album finds the extended group operating at peak levels of cohesion and features some of their most adventurously textured compositions to date.
One of the great band names of our times, Kammerflimmer Kollektief translates to "Shimmering Collective", and began its existence back in the late 90s as the one-man ambient project of composer and multi-instrumentalist Thomas Weber. The music contained on Absencen, however, has clearly been formed and fitted by more than one pair of hands, with several of tracks here co-written by harmonium player Heike Aumüller and one attributed to an improvisation by bassist Johannes Frisch.
The album's inclusive temperament extends to its instrumentation as well, with each of the Kollektief's members allowed an equal voice in the mix to give these pieces their rich, fluid density. On several tracks the group's sound is augmented by the exotic pedal steel flourishes of Trapist's Martin Siewert, an addition that joins with Heike Wendelin's violins to further lengthen the shadows of the group's already canyon-wide sound.
This combination is particularly potent on "Unstet (Für Jeffrey Lee Pierce)", an appropriately high and lonesome tribute to the late Gun Club leader that also blends harmonica and acoustic guitar into a stately, elegiac drone incorporating elements of the traditional tune "Shenandoah". Other such standouts include the brief, lovely "Hausen", which marries jazzy reeds to wistful country strains, and the opening "Lichterloh", a restless narrative that glides across acres of placid ambient swells before being rent asunder by D. Wurm's skronking saxophone blurts and Weber's space age keyboard effects.
Elsewhere, on such tracks as "Nachtwache, 15. September" the Kollektief does occasionally stumble through relatively uninspired passages of polite fusion, resulting in music that settles too cozily into the ranks of the merely pretty. Thankfully, such moments on Absencen are rare, and are outnumbered by the impressive likes of "Die Vögel Sangen Drauben Ihre Ungereimte," an epic closer featuring Weber and the rest of the group in full exploratory mode, as they forge ahead inquisitively, leaving an ever-shifting, endlessly fascinating array of discarded sounds in their wake.
— Matthew Murphy, April 19, 2005

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Drivan - disko

Norway's Kim Hiorthøy is a graphic designer and musician, in that order. His album covers for Rune Grammofon and Smalltown Supersound are dynamic, striking, and original. But only that last quality really pertains to his streamlined folktronica, which blends snippets of live instrumentation and field recordings with hip-hop breakbeats. There's a thin line between elegantly simple and undercooked, and Hiorthøy often seems more like a loop-maker than a songwriter. His albums contain lots of neat ideas, but a repetitive guitar twang, a few atmospheric scribbles, and a boom-bap beat don't necessarily add up to a satisfying composition.
From his 2000 debut, Hei, to his most recent LP, 2007's My Last Day, Hiorthøy has resolutely pursued this formula, so it's great to see him trying something new. Drivan is a multinational collaborative project featuring Hiorthøy, Louise Peterhoff, Lisa Östberg (Sweden), and Kristiina Viiala (Finland). They all met while working together on a dance piece called The Potato Country by Gunilla Heiborn, for which Hiorthøy composed the music, and then decided to continue their collaboration as Drivan. Unfortunately, this new configuration doesn't seem to have inspired many fresh ideas. Dominated by Hiorthøy's signature loops, Disko is distinguished from his prior work only by Swedish vocals and a slightly more ramshackle feel.
With its brief and often repetitive tracks, Disko suffers from the same sense of incompletion that has dogged Hiorthøy's solo albums. The songs seem to run in place, often ending almost exactly where they began. Once you've heard the first 12 seconds of "Som en läderlapp", you've pretty much heard it all, other than a few flashes of something horn-like and an inevitable, blocky snare pattern near the end. This wouldn't be a problem if the guitar phrase that pinions the song were livelier, but it's dryly recorded and melodically flat. "Campingvagn" follows a nearly identical formula, though its melody is happily spiced up with syncopated breaks and handclaps.
But the vocals! Surely the vocals add something to the music, right? Unfortunately, not often: They seemed mismatched. The singing is all airy, drifting melody, with little texture or dynamic rhythm. Meanwhile, the music is melodically lax but full of texture and rhythm. Neither gives the other much to work with, and you'll be hard pressed to remember a single tune. The frustrating part is that there are flashes of excellence throughout, like when Hiorthøy seamlessly blends a limber guitar part into coiling trip-hop drums on "Inget mer sen". Even better is "Det gör ingenting", a techno-inspired track for piano and drums with a forceful developmental arc. It makes the rest of the album sound thinner and more shapeless by comparison. Hiorthøy is evidently capable of doing more with a good idea than documenting it, drawing out viable compositions that progress and grow. We're left wondering why he doesn't do so more often.
— Brian Howe, August 25, 2010

Lykke Li & El Perro Del Mar - Dance Dance Dance - A Take Away Show


Saturday, December 25, 2010


    At the end of the 2010, the Christmas eve,  liz and i planed to see the movie,Certified Copy , cast by Juliette Binoche. but sadly we didn't remember the correct running time, (we were late for about 10 minutes, it was really really unfortunate) so finally we check out the time table from the 3G cellphone, then went to the other theater to see "confessions". 

    I have to say that the way of film shooting was quite extraordinary,by using high speed photography in a lot of scenes, and by using intense spot light that makes the atmosphere be completely treacherous. 
    For adolescents, grouping attitude is wicked, which may lead the group to be evils,like a wave of humane consciousness. Everyone in the story was hurt, and they choose another way out by bullying the target, and claiming the "justice", accomplishing from the majority. the on the other hand, the weakness side of the those petit murderer seems to be a significant problems existed in most children. To become mature, youth must experience some heart-broken cases that make them realize the weight of life , they were too young to be mistakes.  

    The most terrifying revenge, where you see self-centred in humane beings.  

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dean & Britta - Friday I'm In Love

Stolz und Vorurteil: am Raphael Perez Kunstwerk

拉斐爾佩雷斯,生於 1965年,在學校學習藝術視覺藝術比爾謝瓦,1995年以來工作,生活在他的工作室在特拉維夫。 如今,佩雷斯起著重要的作用,積極推動同志(女同性戀,男同性戀,雙性戀和變性者)藝術和文化在特拉維夫和互聯網門戶網站,他成立了藝術家的幫助下從社區達到了大批觀眾在以色列和國外。 他的作品是數以百計的私人收藏的一部分,在以色列和國外的,他的工作是在一些群展展出在特拉維夫藝術博物館,“Zman Le'Omanut”藝術畫廊,暗箱,在耶路撒冷的開放日,奧弗畫廊,論壇海法和其他私營公司和畫廊。
拉斐爾佩雷斯是以色列藝術家首次來表達自己的生活方式是一個同性戀。 他的生活和社會生活中的同志連接並產生幾百件藝術作品。 他的藝術創作和極其罕見的每以色列和國際的藝術水平。 他的靈感主要是生活事件在猶太人和以色列定居點和影響,報價從歷史,藝術(大衛霍克尼,馬蒂斯)交織在一起。 這種獨特性已越過國際邊界,並已成功的同志運動和世界各地的藝術團體。
這是我們第一次見面,以色列藝術家誰在他所有的情緒前所未有的力量。 研究對象的圖片是日常生活的夫婦在日常生活的地方和情況下,識別一起追求一個同性戀關係和家庭,性別和公共設施。 佩雷斯的作品給我們帶來的文化空間和公共話語,生命的真相,並作為一個同性戀關係的各個方面 - 因果關係和性別,對愛情的渴望,日常生活和日常活動在任何地方浪漫關係 - 無論是通過描述兩個人在一個親密的場景在浴室,臥室或浴室,一男夫婦撫養孩子,或者同性戀版本的伊甸園,家庭活動,關係跌宕起伏,複雜性,共享生活以及世俗的,每天都在競爭,追求自我實現 - 由佩雷斯的生活。
佩雷斯第一部作品是個人日記,其中他創造了14年。 他提出一定要隱藏這些日記,因為他讓他們在個人日記中描述他的生活事件最真實的方式。 在這些雜誌,他畫的圖紙和草圖成千上萬,除了那些他寫和擦除他交替稱為“問題的文本,”文本描述的鬥爭,他的性取向。 迷戀他的日記與編目細節,日常活動,朋友和工作,以及重複出現的主題,如滿足於思想,他看到節目,電影,電視,書籍和檢討自己的工作。
當他寫完,佩雷斯拉他的日記。 每一層是由開始到結束一直雜誌。 事實上,這項工作就永遠不會結束的日記。
這場戰鬥永遠不會結束,而當情感溝通在紙上,將結束其作用,是毫無意義的方式,是主要的視覺圖形方面,因為需要隱瞞的書面文字佩雷斯。 在書本上和日記,這更是 - 如果他選擇畫的風格影響兒童畫,人物的性格開朗,快樂,天真,不描繪任何性行為,而當他試圖作為一個成年人繪製草圖更沮喪和悲觀。 在這些年裡,佩雷斯正在與學前兒童,教他們繪畫和運動遊戲。 佩雷斯說,他完全放棄了在這個時候,搜索一個關係,無論是與一個女人或一個男人,並與兒童有生存的意義。 本創作超過 10年,佩雷斯創造約 60磅不同尺寸的日記(筆記薄,舊筆記本,地圖冊,甚至古老的藝術書籍)。
看在他的早期畫作(1998-1999年)的過渡關係與婦女有關的關係與男子的克制,以突出的顏色,形狀和組成。 有些字符顯示強烈的情感表達。 這些婦女通常被克制和被動的,而快樂和愛的情感爆發在顏色和風格的男性繪畫表達。
“我想像,在一個關係女人,我能飛在天空,愛飛,但我覺得我有一些東西需要隱瞞。我被掐死,背後隱藏著一個面具,好像有一個內部尖叫出來。我很沮喪,我感到威脅 ...“
從目前的自我壓迫和鎮壓被停止,佩雷斯開始癒合的進程中,在突發的藝術作品是巨大的規模,數量,內容和生動的色彩來表達 - 紅色,粉紅色和白色。
2000年,佩雷斯開始繪畫的偉大工程的說明會議的同志社區(湖,池)及電話 Avivian陽台幅畫描繪的是男性的世界是不存在的,因為他的畫。 佩雷斯一直致力於今年多個系列的圖紙和繪畫的經驗,他愛他的初戀介紹他的新夥伴,在這幾個月裡,他畫從早晨到晚上。 確定這些畫是一個長期對話的水果與大衛霍克尼,以及可用於相似的主題和各種表現形式。
2001年,佩雷斯提出了若干的藝術作品,“肖像從社區”。 佩雷斯介紹了在大型,高逼真畫肖像畫 20多個成員的積極和已知的同志社區。 重點是所取得的成就,體現了社會的強勢地位在特拉維夫。
由於電話 :86 - Avivian畫家,在過去兩年中,佩雷斯是畫山水的中心城市地點,他的城市。 佩雷斯移動穿城而選擇熟悉的建築和地理標誌性建築,零售和娛樂,歷史遺址,並把它畫在從同性戀的角度來看彩虹標誌的裝飾提供了歸屬感的地方。 他的作品的特點是活潑的節奏和色彩,而且他們還描述了各種會議。 旅遊人物,他的繪畫作出聲明特拉維夫的形象,文化自由的地方普遍存在。
佩雷斯是一個城市特拉維夫地方年輕的家庭和夫妻生活,並填寫街道,公園,海灘,房子和陽台 - 在城市和空間。 他的畫中人物是相似的,這有助於加強對同志社群的成員在特拉維夫。 集體藝術作品的主題與互動的工作佩雷斯對以色列藝術家加利亞西門,誰處理與社會方面的基布茲。 西蒙生活和工作在一個基布茲,表達了人體模型的kibbutznik(一基布茲成員)和獨特性的基布茲成員的一部分,一個組,都是平等的。 西蒙的工作,現在有佩雷斯,以色列社會,這是搜索無窮大,這有助於一個認同意識和歸屬感。
佩雷斯地圖及其領土和邊界的標記,並沒有忘記歷史遺跡。 不像其他藝術家電話 Avivian佩雷斯希望目前的居民生活在城市和大愛在心裡。 通過對歷史遺跡的選擇在特拉維夫,他也對藝術家致敬內厄姆古特曼,誰愛這個城市,住在它的一生。 在他的童年,經驗豐富的歷史時刻古特曼(第一油燈照明,第一場演唱會,第一個補丁),並作為一個成年人,他是新的,這些事件的唯一性,而城市的魅力。
正如古特曼,佩雷斯成為市成為愛的對象,它已經開始裝點自己的色彩和豐富的能源提供了一個城市為“不夜城”中,新老結合的慾望。 佩雷斯精心描述的獨特性和包豪斯風格的建築和陽台沿現代玻璃和鋼結構建築,一切不尋常的角度,從一個矩形格式,將模擬一個多元化的城市全景在其百年慶典。
丹尼爾 Cahana利文和兒子,館長。

Kammerflimmer Kollektief

no i don't miss yeah i don't

"The birds sing outside their bare melody They sing as if conscious of companionship, now alone as if to the pale blue sky;. They sing passionate songs adressed to one ear only and then stop." Virginia Woolf

"This is all sky, but other than home at the top are birds that hang upside down in several varieties wind course, you all can not exchange the sun is shining, but it's not the sun.. It is the moon. When in fact it was night? " Dietmar Dath

Heike Aumüller sits on the floor, making music, singing listen in a type of English Which can only be understood by people who. Those who look, who want to see music, do not see anything at all And they feel nothing. John Frisch fondle his double bass like Kate Bush did in her video to "Babooshka". But while Kate Bush did not play, does fresh while simultaneously playing around with it, winding himself around the instrument - 1-0 for the venerably aged jazz musician. On the other side sits Thomas Weber, bent over his guitar, occasionally operating the electronics in front of him, while his other hand is being played by the guitar. Again and again, it drags the other hand towards the instrument - it's as simple as that. The audience has to want to listen and not only see. Those who can see, see the art of Heike Aumüller Which graces the cover. What one sees there is strong and vulnerable at the same time. Anyone who has ever watched a Bruce Willis action movie will know the sentence that Willis - suddenly more than just muscles and smiles - utters to the obligatory child (or woman, anyway, something to rescue): "Of course I'm afraid."
What do we learn from this? Those who make themselves vulnerable become strong. The Chamber has made itself Kollektief strong, had made itself strong even before it merged into a band and then as a band, is even grew stronger. And more vulnerable. Where the music used to be beautiful, it now became powerful and momentous. Dietmar Dath speaks the truth when he suggests that one should listen to the music loud - because Thus it gains even more depth.

The chamber Kollektief is emotive and impassioned. It is also as lucid and precise as those moods Which Robert Musil (who is above suspicion of a being a Romanticist) called "daylight mysticism. The lyrics and the music want to be heard, they want to be explored, even suffered. Sound builds Which songs are made of sounds, and yet they 're no longer songs.

Wild Ling "is the trio's strongest and most vulnerable album to date. It is a solipsist, Which floats solitary in its own space, somewhere between the orbits of jazz, kraut rock, pop and bright This space is an earthly heaven, Which we are permitted to inhabit - if we only can hear, with our ears as well as our heads. Jörg Sundermeier

the xxxxxx

The xx (pronounced "the ex ex")[1] are an indie rock band from London, England, United Kingdom, formed in 2005.[2] They met while studying at Elliott School, notable for alumni including Hot Chip, Burial and Four Tet.[3] Despite starting as a four-piece outfit, The xx became a trio when their second guitarist and keyboardist Baria Qureshi left the group in late 2009.[4] In September 2010 they won the Barclaycard Mercury Prize.

Aaliyah to CocoRosie, Rihanna to The Cure, Missy Elliott to Chromatics, The Kills to Ginuwine, Pixies to Mariah Carey and Justin Timberlake to Tracy + the plastic

The xx's song "Intro" was extensively used on television: in an AT&T commercial featuring Apolo Anton Ohno; often during NBC's coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada;[14] during the series Cold Case; for the BBC News Newsnight coverage of the 2010 general election;[15], on Mercy ("The Last Thing I Said Was" episode) and also in Law & Order on the Dutch television network Net 5. "VCR" was featured in a Lie to Me episode. In episode 7 of the online BBC EastEnders spin-off E20 their cover of "Teardrops" was used. "Heart Skipped a Beat" was featured in a 2009 episode of 90210, as well as being the feature song for the March 2010 E4 advert for 90210. "Islands" was used in an episode of the Golden Globe-winning medical drama Grey's Anatomy. "Stars" was used in E4's youth drama Misfits in December 2009. "Crystalised" was used during the 13th episode of the 3rd season of The CW's acclaimed Gossip Girl TV show. "Infinity" was used in the 9th episode of the second season of HBO's Hung, and in the final (6th) episode of the first season of BBC's Lip Service. In January 2010, the xx performed in a 11-date sold-out tour in Scandinavia and Germany. A track mix of "VCR", "Shelter", "Intro", and "Crystalised" was also used in the Karl Lagerfeld Fall/Winter 2011 fashion show. Their music is currently being frequently used on school drama, Waterloo Road as well.
Second guitarist and keyboardist Baria Qureshi left the group in 2009. Initial reports stated that this was due to exhaustion, but the band later said they made this decision due to "personal differences".[16][17]

Late Night Alumni

Late Night Alumni is a US house group composed of Ryan Raddon (Kaskade), Finn Bjarnson, John Hancock, and vocalist Becky Jean Williams. They are primarily known for mixing dance music with strings and soft trance-like vocals from lead singer Becky Jean Williams.

Finn Bjarnson stumbled upon Becky Jean Williams in the summer of 2003. “I had just been given a local Christmas CD that I had produced a couple tracks for,” Finn recalls, “and as I was listening through the tracks, there she was! Her beautiful voice and style immediately struck me.” A couple of phone calls later and they were in the studio together for the first time. “I had worked up this song called ‘Empty Streets’ and wanted to try her voice out on it...” Finn continues, “and it took off from there!”
Finn had already been working in the studio with Ryan Raddon (aka Kaskade), and soon Finn, Ryan, and Becky formed Late Night Alumni. In 2004, Hed Kandi made an offer to license and release a full length Late Night Alumni album. “At that point,” Finn says, “I knew the band was not ready. We were missing an element.” That missing element turned out to be John Hancock; a talented local producer with whom Finn had been trying to “find an excuse” to work with for years. The band was complete and hard at work at the debut Late Night Alumni album; mixing electronic and organic elements for a unique brand of chill that is easily distinguishable in today’s down tempo house music scene.
Empty Streets was released in September, 2005. Around the same time, Hed Kandi was bought out by Ministry of Sound and the album got shelved. However, despite lack of support from the group's record label, it soon grew into an underground classic.
The single of the same name received massive support in both clubs and on radio, getting Top Ten Radio Play in the UK and U, and reaching #1 in Spain. “Empty Streets” has also been licensed to commercials including a spot for the Toyota IQ. In addition, more than a dozen dance compilations have licensed the track, and it remains the most popular and downloaded song on Tiesto’s “In Search Of Sunrise” compilation.

Crystal Castles - Crimewave

Crystal Castles is an experimental electronic music[6] band from Toronto, Ontario, consisting of producer Ethan Kath and vocalist Alice Glass.[7] Crystal Castles are known for their chaotic live shows and their melancholic lo-fi home productions. The duo released many vinyl EPs between 2006 and 2007 and eponymous albums in 2008 and 2010. The band's debut album was included in the "Top 50 Greatest Albums of the Decade" by NME Magazine, at number 39.[8]

Hope Sandoval - Suzanne

Hope Sandoval (born June 24, 1966) is an American singer-songwriter who is the lead singer for Mazzy Star and Hope Sandoval & the Warm Inventions.[1] During live performances, Sandoval prefers to sing in near darkness with only a dim backlight, playing the tambourine, harmonica, glockenspiel or shaker.[2] Cameras were not allowed during her recent tours, and she is reputed to be "a woman of very few words".[3] Some interpret Sandoval's self-consciousness as pretentious, and she has been criticized for being "willfully aloof", "hard to understand", "coy and child-like" and for "hiding behind her long, dark hair" during performances.[4][5]
Sandoval has toured and collaborated with other artists, but of late, she states, "I like being alone and free to sing on my own and the time and vibe to create something. I get really, really anxious if I have to go into the studio with someone I don't know already." She sang vocals on Massive Attack's "Paradise Circus" (2010) and admired the "beautiful tracks" the band sent her, but they did not "meet up" for their collaboration.[3]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Late Night Alumni - Rainy days

Some days must be dark
Some days must be dark and dreary.
The day is cold.
The day is cold and dark and dreary.

And it rains.
And the wind is never weary.

Ivy still clings to the wall.
At every gust the dead leaves fall.

And the day is dark.
And the day is dark and dreary.

Be still sad heart.
Oh be still and cease repining.

Behind the clouds
Is the sun still shining.

Thy fate is the fate of all.
Into life some rain must fall.

Some days must be dark
Some days must be dark and dreary.

Monday, December 13, 2010



music from myspace

Asobi Seksu
Rachel Grimes
Shugo Tokumaru

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shahidul Alam


chrisliu — 週六, 2010-12-11 20:45
文/劉美妤 破報

翻開孟加拉攝影家夏伊都爾‧阿蘭姆(Shahidul Alam)的攝影集,一個屋頂上的老婦姿態凝重地在煮食;一個眼神憂傷的小女孩裹在斗篷裡;一群羊在山腳下散落成了綿白起伏的溫柔堆塊。他的視覺語言張力十足,他的天際總是開闊而詭譎得令人目眩,牆邊幽深的黑影總是充滿壓迫感。阿蘭姆是世界新聞攝影獎首位非白人的評審,但他並不是那種到世界各地擷取故事的攝影家──他在孟加拉深耕,影像多著眼於貧窮、災難、國家民主化進程中被錯待的人們,他和他所設立的Drik影像資料庫及南亞影像學院(Pathshala)長年致力於以攝影改善孟加拉的社會,將相機連同說故事的主權直接交給貧窮的婦女與孩童,他舉辦的Chobi Mela攝影節更匯集各國攝影者一同到孟加拉進行攝影的討論與創作。

從倫敦大學化學博士走到當代第三世界最具代表性的影像社會改革者,阿蘭姆說,他是個徹底的political animal,即使帶他走上攝影這條路的直接原因是陰錯陽差的留下了他代友人購買的相機,他真正的走這條路的理由是為了落實他對社會議題的關懷,而攝影作為一種表達媒介的可及性最高,所有人都能運用。阿蘭姆說:「一個讓我投身的原因是我必須去找出『人們如何表述』。我發現攝影是個便於溝通的媒介,它常用並且不易受誤解,許多人無法讀寫文字,富裕的、受教育的人們可以透過文字去傳遞訊息、辯證問題,但更多人需要簡單直接的方式理解和表達。這是我為何開始建立影像的組織,很多孩子和婦女在文字語言系統中不能成為說故事的主體,但透過影像則可以。」
遇見這位矮矮胖胖、穿著孟加拉傳統服裝、溫暖而直率的攝影家,是由於破週報近日舉辦的覹空間(survival scene)兩岸攝影學術交流工作坊,邀請了阿蘭姆和克拉克(David J. Clark)兩位國際學者來台演講及帶領工作坊。六名中國大陸年輕媒體從業者、十名台灣的藝術科系學生在他們的帶領下,前往探看寶藏巖、重建街、樂生院、彩虹眷村、相思寮、海安路等正隨著都市發展進程而變遷、面臨危機甚或已遭毀壞的場域,透過相異背景的成員交流、撞擊企圖尋找各種可能的觀看方式,並將於這週日開始於台北當代藝術中心展出這系列的攝影作品。

影像在當代社會議題中扮演了舉足輕重的角色,正如阿蘭姆所說,它是一種能夠打破種族、國籍、文字等諸多藩籬的語言──透過影像媒介的傳播,兼以網路快速散佈的科技輔助,傳統媒體不再能握住消息發送的大權,邊緣的、底層的、勞動的人民得以述說自我生命。影像一直有其社會責任。猶記看英國著名戰地攝影記者唐‧麥庫林(Don McCullin)在其最近一本自傳書《不合理的行為》(Unreasonable Behaviour)中對自己年輕時前往戰區拍下諸多無名人物照片的內省,照片一直都有著觀看與被觀看的主客關係,在紀實攝影的傳統裡,歐美攝影師拍下的第三世界居民,一直是匿名者。阿蘭姆生於孟加拉達卡的中產階級家庭,他在一次前往遭洪水吞沒的Gaforgaon地區時,為一群在避難所的孩子拍下合影。按下快門瞬間,他意識到站在中央的一名男孩眼盲──即使男孩永遠不可能看見,仍想要透過攝影留下自己的模樣。攝影的價值究竟是什麼?這個男孩在他心裡縈繞不去,「而我甚至不知道他的名字。」當他發覺自己拍攝底層人民的角度和西方攝影師沒什麼不同時,採取了這樣一種對抗方式:把主權還給被敘述者。














「我主持碩士課程、成立影像組織,主要目的是為了連結閱聽群眾。我的很多計畫都是做社會記錄的影像工作,特別著重在把印刷傳媒轉化成影像傳媒。這是中國正在突破的,其他地方也是,試著以不同的方式說故事,把專業記者拉在一起,以新方法說故事,使用新科技,對我來說就是新的機會。」克拉克如是說。他曾於巴勒斯坦地區建立暗房與攝影工作坊,與當地必爾切特大學(Birzeit University)合作開設巴勒斯坦首個攝影學位課程;十年前受邀至中國客座授課,待過大連和北京兩個城市,五年前又再度應邀前往亞洲新聞中心主持計畫,現於英國波頓大學及中國北京外語學院指導國際多媒體新聞學碩士課程,累積了許多對中國的社會觀察。


「我相信帶給底層人民更多資訊以改善他們的處境,是很重要的。我們有印刷的傳播,但只能給一小部分的人看到;要帶給更多數的居民資訊的開放流通。對更大量的中國民眾,三分之二的人口在貧窮線以下,這就是中國的『人民』。我認為中國政府近年在改善窮人處境的政策上算是成功的,貧富差距固然擴張,但政府也的確帶給民眾工作機會。」克拉克認為在這樣的情況下,網路成為非常重要的媒介──即使我們對中國網路的印象就是它不斷篩選過濾敏感詞,並致力阻絕外界資訊的超級防火牆(the "Great Wall" of China),中國內部的記者和外國關注的媒體人,都仍在努力從中打破封閉。封鎖新聞真的可能成功嗎?我認識的中國學生半數以上都懂得如何「翻牆」,而所有學生都知道劉曉波得了諾貝爾獎。





Saturday, December 11, 2010

london calling - the clash

我說真蠢怎麼把他印下來了 有色差
確實 我同意

Friday, December 10, 2010


those feet like to dance when chilly wind blows
you know what ,
it's really really a suffering
" all your pain will end here
let the doctor soothe your brain, dear "


savoring the flavor doesn't mean anything,
so don't exaggerate it on being applauded.

No Christmas For Me

No, there won’t be Christmas for me this year
For the simple reason being you’re not here
There won’t be eggnogs by the cozy fire
There won’t be glasses of mulled wine either
There won’t even be a Christmas tree
’cause you’re not here to light it up with me
Oh, Santa honey, won’t you bring my baby back to me?
’cause i miss him, yes, i miss him oh so dearly
I haven’t sent him his Christmas card
’cause that would mean we really are apart
The Christmas stockings are as empty as my heart
I know you’re away doing something good
But just this once, baby, if you could
You know you can, and you know should
’cause Christmas won’t be Christmas…
without you
Two days to Christmas and i’m still waiting outside
Wishing upon a star that you’ll be coming home tonight
But it was cold, it was getting late
Sadly, i crept back into bed
But then i felt a soft kiss on my cheek
I opened my eyes, and there my baby was…
with me.
My baby came back for me
Merry Christmas, baby

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Husbands and Wives (1992) trailer

vocabulary 12.8

out of the race
a buffer against the loneness
nothing deter me
they are isolated memory
screw up
bail out
making a point
sheer accident
knock out
sworn off


是生活 是過去沒多久的現狀
依然滄桑 更甚於我

Monday, December 6, 2010


Reeta :
Aside from the oral language, there are types of sign-languages are available to communicate,like signals, signs, and symbols . Use one picture directly may sent a clear message emerging in brain, which is more simple for different language users to comprehend. Others like gesture or else are more complicated that involves the culture factors.

Found in every culture, signals, signs, and symbols are examples of alternatives to speech communication. A signal , which is referenced to speech , intrudes upon the environment so that it is noticed. In contrast, a sign does not refer to speech because it displays a general message. Last, gestures, which are culturally defined, consist of actions.


PAGE 150
1. Reading
The construction of nuclear family has gradually replaced the American families types, which composed of different racial, ethnic, class, and religious groups. From the analysis , nuclear families and child-less couples are individual present one third population, and the remaining population is composed of single people, unmarried people, and single families . The advanced research reveal the reason for single-parent families phenomenon are due to the changing attitude toward the divorce and unmarried mother. Furthermore, since the family’s size is getting smaller, the existences of familiar friends who are living together are another common phenomenon now in our society.

Whereas one third of the population consists of the traditional nuclear family of two parents and their children, most Americans are either married couples with no children at home, single people, or single-parent households, many of whom have developed close friendships to replace extended family living at home

2. Lecture,

Alkaline mordent science
40000 60000 gray manner
Roger bagmen
Trisect, perfect metal goat? Treatises, gold
Blending them transmuted to gold
Sun =goat moon=silver fire= base metal five known planet
Labortory--> chemical substances ,devote reations in modern chem.

Laboratory alchemists failed to refine base metal to produce gold, but they discovered chemical substances, properties, compounds, reactions, tools, and techniques that helped to establish the field of modern chemistry.

Page 153

Page 153

White brothers
1. Team,cooperate :
2. Gligen parent physical kyte
3. Preterior failer
Glider pilot
Wind tunel : winds types
19’ light engine

The contribution of inventing fight from wright brothers is significant and it was contributed by three major reasons. One is the team cooperation that help them negotiate the problem, design to achieve the goal. The second reason is their parents’ support . the third , all the presterier failures make them be more understand the fundamental basis. Through out their effort they create types of tunel to customed to different wind, and by the time the light engine invented are also contribute the success all together.

The wright brothers were successful in achieving the first manned flight because they worked collaboratively; they were both glider pilots who organized the importance of stabilization and control in an air-craft ; they were able to design, test, and engineer the best wings for the plane; and they were able to take advantage of the relatively light internal combustion engine.

music from myspace

Asobi Seksu

I stared at the ceiling to regain some feeling
The days mixed with let downs and come downs and put downs
There's words and their feelings but none of them sit well
You say that you're happy when no one believes you
So I just take my time
We're treading deep water and can't seem to come by any place
Where we can force ourselves to know
Where is the space in our heads for hopeful thoughts to grow
So now I hope you'll rush to my side
A wish can't just choose to fall down by the wayside

There's bees in the attic
Acidic with panic
Bees in the attic
Acidic with panic

There's pills straws and bottles for all our bruised feelings
They mixed well in person but sting when they're leaving
So I will make up my mind
We're treading deep water and can't seem to come by any place
Where we can force ourselves to grow
Where is the space in our heads for hopeful thoughts to grow
So now I hope you'll rush to my side
We've threaded the needle and can't find a way out

There's bees in the attic
Acidic with panic
Bees in the attic
Acidic with panic


fuss over
cranky 古怪
voraciously 狼吞虎嚥地
I became completely smitten with ___ 突然愛上的;一下子愛上的
I'm keeping this short because all of my creative juices are running dry after writing 5 pages about baroque Spanish poetry...

disastrous l 極糟糕的;災難性的

haggard 憔悴的,疲憊的
coppery color

introspective 好內省的;好反省的
vehemently 激烈地;暴烈地;強烈地
By adopting a wholly positive lifestyle you may get lumped into a group, subset or culture that you vehemently oppose with every fiber of your being,


Sunday, December 5, 2010

2010 simple life

2010 simple life:

i walked alone along the pathway to a unknown place, stuck with some personal emotion
which is brilliant, which is floating, which is unsure.
je ne sais pas

i hesitated

Friday, December 3, 2010

L'Étranger -- Albert Camus






律師的結辯陳述似乎永遠沒有盡頭,然而談到其中某一段時,道是引起我的注意。因為他說:"的確,我殺了人" 接著他又以同樣的語氣繼續,亦即當他提到我時使用了第一人稱。我感到驚訝,忍不住向其中一個法警詢問是怎麼回事,他起先要我作聲,過了一會兒她才會道:"每個律師都來這一套" 我認為這種行為是在一次將我排除在我的案件之外,把我的存在降為零,還有從某種層面上,取代我的地位。不過,我覺得自己也已經完全從法庭陳悶的辯論中抽離。


Thursday, December 2, 2010


just now i received the phone call from troop, i was too surprised, indeed

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ida Maria

Oh My God -- Ida Maria

Find a cure
find a cure for my life

Oh my god
oh you think I'm in control
Oh my god
oh you think it's all for fun

Find a cure
find a cure for her life

Put a price
put a price on my soul

Oh my god
oh you think I'm in control
Oh my god
oh you think it's all for fun

Put a price
put a price on her soul

Find a cure
find a cure for my life

Put a price
put a price on my soul

Build a wall
Build a fortress around my heart

Oh my god
oh you think I'm in control
Oh my god
oh you think it's all for fun