Thursday, May 9, 2013






-- 吉力馬札羅是一座經年積雪的山嶺,高一萬九千七百一十呎,據說是非洲最高的山。它的西峰馬薩語叫作「努干. 努卡」,是「上帝之家」的意思。接近西峰的最高處,有一隻凍僵了的乾枯的花豹屍體。從來沒有人能解釋這隻花報道那樣高的地方去尋求什麼。

/不理智化的風格/ 視野狹窄的,焦點卻是明銳的,對白也同樣是突出,因為他所捕捉的,是人與語文的各種音韻腔調/ 它給人的感覺是:這是現實,而實際上,現實的本身卻反而做不到這一點。/沒有思想的/ 停止思想/ 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Time goes fast and you are old now

# He remembers his sister, who looks rebellious, and always jump from pit to pit, there was no a road completed properly. Now she once again run away from him. still he stays in the same place, his hand dangling with cigarettes that his sister taught him how.
 # He painted a portrait of a loved one, to pre-empt their class discrimination be revealed, and so it goes, so like that. 
For these emotional words would not be enough, he choose not to say anything, or actually he does not know what to say exactly. 

/ / This is a series of small theater in the past from the bottom of the same root, where the root is is not so important, leaving the series fundamentally unimportant. how can those stories easily be revealed? [well, drink this beer and say.]

# how did Your mother die? 




# she chose suicide to heaven. 

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# .... It'd happened for several years. 

Do you remember the voice of her mother? The attractive voice pour out from her intestines sticked with love, intestines, feces, vomit, vomit fell on my head, pouring down with no hesitation. I put out my tongue to lick the top of lips, and looked up, a man, was being drunk, spit it out and I swallowed it. 

I like her fat body  
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# You know, R's goddess are about to engaged. 

how does is FEEL?

# it is complex, even if this has been forgotten long ago. 

W is left-handed [you antisocial? Well? No, I am not.] 
hse is obstacle with brushing guitar with right hand. r like to sit on hem right side, because when hse is writing, W will tilt toward r direction, so that they can whisper secretly. 
W laughs like crying [K, Z either], frowned, squeezed hem phoenix eyes to be  tadpoles shapes, like Laura Dern scream 

du BIST hässlich

people call themselves mentality, always in the case: (though not entirely true) 

Past is the 3rd part, and now is the 2nd PArt 1st is always being the future.

JE pouvais ....

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


oh, cette fois je ne laisse rien
[Et j'ai jeté tous les comprimés d'une prescription d'un mois,il était tellement imbécile qui me font rire beaucoup]
Je penser à ce jour qui vivent avec vous les gars,,,