Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Classification of Finite Simple Groups

Stephen D. Smith, Michael Aschbacher, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon are the last four mathematicians who master in original proof of Enormous Theorem. This theory is about symmetry, representing the cores of forms, laws, and mathematical objects that remain unchanged under transformation. In the modern physics, the enormous theory plays a vital role - spanning classical Newtonian to string theory illustrating how its laws are intertwined with symmetry, that the Standard Model was finalised the confirmation of the existence of quarks, and and more recently the Higgs boson (2013).

* The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions, as well as classifying all the subatomic particles known.
* 1972 Gorenstein proposes a 16-step program for classifying finite simple groups
* Emmy Noether determined the conserved quantities for every system of physical laws that possesses some continuous symmetry.

1. The Classi cation of Finite Simple Groups
2. Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem
3. Perspectives on Higgs Physics

Sunday, August 2, 2015


被扭曲的櫻花 美的意識與軍國主義

- 關於神風特攻隊-





除此之外,還有虔誠的基督教徒。這些基督徒中,有人在最後一次出擊時代著聖經同行,也有人在最後一夜吟誦讚美詩歌 --- 雖然明知在基地嚴格檢閱制度之下是危險的行為。即使不是基督徒,也有人熱衷於閱讀基督教相關讀物,這是因為在現代日本,知識上最有影響力的領導人物是基督徒,不過也不只有這個原因。基督教是「死後」的宗教,人的精神和肉體在死後會變成怎樣,是基督教關注的焦點 ; 相反地,日本的宗教是「世俗的」宗教,是以現世的利益為中心,所以年輕人在探尋「犧牲有何意義」的過程中,選擇了靠向基督教。

如果認為他們的知識活動只是單純地信奉西方的高級文化(High Culture),或是嘗試超越這些文化,那就大錯特錯了。在日本人用來吸收西洋文明的根基中,存在著中國的知識傳統,許多領域經年累月受到這方面的影響。六世紀傳入日本的儒家思想以新的形勢復興(特別是在一八八〇年代時),並且提供了堅固的基礎,讓日本在此時形成的意識型態特別重視忠義和犧牲,因此,日本才具備了成為現代軍事民族國家的種種條件,而且,這個民族國家以國民的犧牲作為前提。在十七世紀傳入的朱子學 --- 尤其是陽明學 --- 特別重視個人的新的主體性,因此可以作為日本吸收康德個人主義時的精神基礎

Think Fast Slow (edit)

Zajonc offered an eloquent summary of his program of research:
The consequences of repeated exposures benefit the organism in its relations to the immediate animate and inanimate environment. They allow the organism to distinguish objects and habitats that are safe from those that are not, and they are the most primitive basis of social attachments. Therefore, they form the basis for social organisation and cohesion - the basic sources of psychological and social stability. 
* Overconfidence: As the WYSIATI rule implies, neither the quantity nor the quality of the evidence counts for much in subjective confidence. The confidence that individuals have in their beliefs depends mostly on the quality of the story they can tell about what they see, even if they see little. We often fail to allow for the possibility that evidence that should be critical to our judgment is missing - what we see is all there is. Furthermore, our associative system tends to settle on a coherent pattern of activation and suppresses doubt and ambiguity.

*Framing effects: Different ways of presenting the same information often evoke different emotions. The statement that "the odds of survival one month after surgery are 90%" is more reassuring than the equivalent statement that "mortality within one month of surgery is 10%". Similarly, cold cuts described as "10% fat." The equivalence of the alternative formulations is transparent, but an individual normally sees only one formulation, and what she sees is all there is.

*Base-rate neglect: Recall Steve, the meek and tidy soul who is often believed to be a librarian, The personality description is salient and vivd, and although you surely know that there are more male farmers than male librarians, that statistical fact almost certainly did not come to your mind when you first considered the question. What you saw was all there was. 

Halo effect
Halo effect is a cognitive bias in which an observer's overall impression of a person, company, brand, or product influences the observer's feelings and thoughts about that entity's character or properties. It was named by psychologist Edward Thorndike in reference to a person being perceived as having a halo.