Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Luis Buñuel - Das Gespenst der Freiheit

fyodor dostoyevsky - 鱷魚

"沒有,根本沒有那些東西,也許從來就沒有過。鎖有那些都式一些淺薄遊客不負責任的奇想。就像人們吹脹氣墊,我用我的人使鱷魚膨脹。他彈性之佳令人難以置興。真的,身為我家的至友,你如果夠慷慨且願自我犧牲的話,你可以進來跟我作伴---即使你進來,我們尚有餘裕的空間。我甚至想到最後也叫艾蓮娜一起進來。不過鱷魚內部中空的結構倒是符合自然科學的法則。假如我們必須塑造一條新的鱷魚的話,問題就出現了。什麼是鱷魚的基本特徵?答案很清楚;吞食人類。再創造鱷魚實,我們如何保證他會吞人類?這答案更清楚了;將他造得真空。物理學老早就確立了"大自然憎恨真空"這項真理了。為了符合"大自然憎恨真空"這項原則,鱷魚的內部必須是空的,這樣衣來他就可以吞食他所與遇到的任何東西,以便填滿自己。這就是為什麼鱷魚會吞食人的唯一合理的解釋。人的構造就不衣樣了,譬如說,人的腦袋與空,他愈不想去充實,這就是此項大自然法則的一個例外。現在這些對我來說是再清楚不過了。這是我在大自然的腸內,在其蒸餾器中,傾聽其脈博的律動,經過擠身的觀察與經驗所演繹出來的。甚至連字源學也支持我的看法。因為crocodile這個字的意思就是"貪吃"。crocodile - crocodillo ----很明顯得是個義大利文,也許可以追錯到埃及法尼老時代,此字顯然眼生自法文的croquer,意思是吃,吞食,廣易指吸收養分。這些我準備當做他們用水缸載我到艾蓮娜的沙龍十的第一篇講稿。"
"那又怎麼樣? 他們連野獸都同情起來了。我們必須迎頭趕上歐洲。不是嗎?再 歐洲,他們對鱷魚也很有感情的。嘻嘻嘻!"

張懸 - You'll see

Friday, September 24, 2010

jim & jules

Mulholland Drive

Friday, September 17, 2010



但我說 也難講價直

但這麼一滔 來了不少人也走了不少
就在這蓋起了客棧 做起了生意

眼而轉轉咕噥著下一個目標 就這麼一般

這面荒城 這座客棧 我為沒有名字的人搭棚


Although it can be argued that voice mail and e-mail are more efficient, and in many ways, more convenient, I prefer to communicate in person, or if that is not possible, by telephone . In my experience, face-to-face interaction are best for a number of reasons. In the first place, when you hear the speaker’s tone of voice, you are better able to judge the attitude and emotions that can be easily hidden in a written reply. In addition, the exchange is more immediate. Even instant messaging isn’t as fast as a verbal interaction in person or by telephone. E-mail seems efficient ,however, sometimes multiple messages over several days are requires to clarify the information that a short phone call would have taken original caller’s voice mail. Clearly, no real communication is possible in a situation that allows only one person to talk. Moreover, the body language and expression on the speaker’s face often communicate more than the words themselves. Research indicates that more than 80 percent of a message is nonverbal. The way that a speaker stands or sits can indicate interest or disagreement. The eye contact and the movement of the eyebrows and the mouth can actually communicate the opposite of the words that the speaker is saying. Finally, no technology has succeeded in duplicating a firm handshakes to close a deal, a hug to encourage a friend, or a kiss goodbye. Until e-mail and voice mail can provide the subtle communication, the immediate interaction, and the emotional satisfaction of a face-to-face conversation, complete with facial expression and gestures, I will prefer to talk instead of to type.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Into Dust, Mazzy Star

Still falling
Breathless and on again
Inside today
Inside me today
Around broken in two
Til your eyes share into dust
Like two strangers turning into dust
Til my hand shook with the weight of fear
I could possibly be fading
Or have something more to gain
I could feel myself growing colder
I could feel myself under your fate
Under your fate
It was you, breathless and torn
I could feel my eyes turning into dust
Into strangers, turning into dust
Turning into dust
Turning into dust

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/m/mazzy+star/#share

Tori Amos - Enjoy the Silence

Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Enjoy the silence

Carry Me , Ohio - Sun Kil Moon

Sorry that
I could never love you back
I could never care enough
In these last days

Her tears fell
On her pages found me out
About her words I don't know what
To do or say

Wading through
Warm canals and pools, clear blue
The Tuscarawas flows into
The Great Lake

Riding back
To where the highway met
Dead-end tracks
The ground is now cement and glass
Tnd far away

Heal her soul
Carry her, my angel

Green, green youth
What about the sweetness we knew?
What about what's good, what's true
From those days

Can't count to
All the lovers I've burned through
So why do I still burn for you
I can't say

Sorry that
I could never love you back
I could never care enough
In these last days

Heal her soul
Carry her, my angel

Children blessed
Gather round the home, she rests
So poor and cold
With their Midwest
Moon and sun

Flashes bringin' on
My open eyes to lightning storms
The touch of mist felt soft, felt warm
On my face

Graving dreams
A million miles ago
You seem
The star that I just
Don't see

Words long gone
Lost on journeys we walked on
Lost her voice is heard along the way

Sorry for
Never going by your door
Never feeling love like that

Heal her soul
Carry her, my angel

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Keren Ann- Que N'ai Je

Je pourrais bien brûler les preuves
Trier les pages de mon passé
Prendre un bassin ou même un fleuve
Pour abandonner le peu que j'ai

Je pourrais bien brûler les pistes
Changer 100 000 fois de visage
Rayer mon nom de toutes les listes
Et m'effacer du paysage

Refrain : où vais-je?
Et à présent

Que n'ai-je?
Tu cherches tellement à me suivre
A travers le vent

Je pourrais bien changer de sigle
Et chaque nuit dans les abbesses
Me rendre floue ou invisible
Etre inconnue à cette adresse

Je pourrais même me compromettre
Ne plus me souvenir de rien
Et ne plus jamais reconnaître
Ta voix que je connais si bien


Je pourrais bien brûler les pistes
Changer 100 000 fois de visage
Rayer mon nom de toutes les listes
Et m'effacer du paysage

Wednesday, September 1, 2010






對我而言,索忍尼辛的記憶開始於廚房的收音機。每天傍晚,日復一日,我的祖父聽著收音機播放「古拉格群島」,我也跟著聽。那時我 對索忍尼辛的文字懂的不多,但能感受到每一集的扣人心弦文字中所傳達的力量。也因為如此,我們現在才能目擊他的文字帶來的影響力及後續發生的種種事件。

當然,不能不知道他的名作「伊凡•傑尼索維奇的一天」(One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich)、於1962年11月最早刊登索忍尼辛此一小說的新世界(Novyi Mir)文學雜誌,以及新世界文學雜誌的主編特瓦爾多夫斯基(Aleksandr Tvardovsky)。

長久以來,對我來說,索忍尼辛是「古拉格群島」(The Gulag Archipelago)主要且唯一的作家。

這種感覺越增強烈是在攝影師Misha Kalantar花了好幾個晚上,一頁頁的翻拍下「古拉格群島」後在巴黎印出的同時,這也就是我們後來看到那厚厚的一疊此書的翻拍頁。


然後讀到「癌症病房」(Cancer Ward)和「第一圈」(The First Circle)。


蘇聯讀者通常是從「伊凡•傑尼索維奇的一天」及Matryona's Place開始接觸索忍尼辛,但對我而言,這二部作品讓先接觸其他作品的我,更加理解索忍尼辛。


在此同時,我開始了解到索忍尼辛代表著蘇維埃反動的國家主義支派。某種程度而言,如果要我在索忍尼辛和支持蘇維埃民主改革者沙卡洛夫(Andrei Sakharov)之間做個選擇。我會選擇沙卡洛夫路線。

「牛犢頂橡樹」(The Oak and the Calf),我將它視為個人對系統不妥協的鬥爭。即便書中有缺失,但是本易讀性很高的書,意謂著這本書寫的很好。

「紅輪」(The Red Wheel)則超出我的範疇了。

索忍尼辛的東正教/愛國路線有點不像我的取向。「1914年8月」(August 1914),我認為從此之時逐漸失去了文學品味及寫作技巧。


這些功蹟真的不能低估。 古拉格群島是一本偉大的著作。

from global voice