然而前幾天在中山捷運站看到了之,或許是因為FB的關係或是其他其他的關聯她似乎知道我和光相熟她迴避了我的眼神,即便我們根本完全不相識。其實我知道關於崇拜和惺惺相惜後那討人厭的佔有慾,我厭惡有才華的人我討厭他們總是一派輕鬆而我卻要這麼這麼努力才能達到,我討厭他們可以這樣放縱自己即便眼前的現在已經腐爛的一踏塗地,是什麼讓你沒有後顧之憂? 我討厭自己總是厭世又媚世 媽的。文中過分引用我也都能理解,因為內裡要炸裂無從宣洩當看到有人寫的太好比你好你只能像是失語症一樣手舞足蹈但什麼話也說不出勉強擠出一句:就是這樣了,罷。因為這樣無法抽離只能永遠附著在別人的故事下想像自己到底是該何以名狀。很悲哀吧。
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Je m'appelle Victor Maynard
-Je vole
J'ai volé
Je volais
potpourri (blended flavor)
half now half later
your reputation is in tatters
mad like balloon
i'm not decent
putting you off (be distracted)
don't wind him up
Monday, March 28, 2011
Half of Mr. toast
97 days left before the July comes, but i was indifferent to pretend emotional act, actually thought of not my business comes up in my mind, but i was sill astonished that you volunteered to be there, how far far the place is. it seems things is goin' end and all the sentimental stuff should be jeered since bird of your own hatching. Cause things are gonna change so fast.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
en gallop, it beats me but i do not know
This place is damp and ghostly
I am already gone
And the halls were lined with the disembodied
And dustly wings, which fell from flesh
And I go where the trees go
And I walk from a higher education
For now and for hire
And it beats me, but I do not know
It beats me but I do not know
I do not know
Palaces and storm clouds
The rough, straggly sage
And the smoke
And the way it will all come together
In quietness and in time
And you laws of property
Oh, you free economy
And you unending afterthoughts
You could've told me before
Never get so attached to a poem
You forget truth that lacks lyricism
Never draw so close to the heat
That you forget that you must eat, oh...
I am already gone
And the halls were lined with the disembodied
And dustly wings, which fell from flesh
And I go where the trees go
And I walk from a higher education
For now and for hire
And it beats me, but I do not know
It beats me but I do not know
I do not know
Palaces and storm clouds
The rough, straggly sage
And the smoke
And the way it will all come together
In quietness and in time
And you laws of property
Oh, you free economy
And you unending afterthoughts
You could've told me before
Never get so attached to a poem
You forget truth that lacks lyricism
Never draw so close to the heat
That you forget that you must eat, oh...
joe table
first you said the word about my circle eyes,
second you had something hidden in the pants
third i have fussed over all the relationship you know?
dear sheep, i knew you, you ain't be so honest , are you?
you just hides your obscene under the mask of gentle man, you are hypocrite, you are not so shy as you look like.
we went to have a good night eat, around the department store. after parking our car, we detour alot with no idea where we were, so we asked about the direction, and the smoking-mrs didn't know exactly, she asked the man near the trunk, and the no idea man turn to the other man at the driver seat.Then the driver-seat man said about a blurred answer, and suddenly there is a light bulb go on their head, they simultaneous point out a direction with nagging words. so we hesitantly walked there and could not find any clue of it.finally we called for help and found it in the other side of the department in the end. so how can they suddenly get the possibility coherently?
we danced in the car, we sang inharmoniously, we ate, ate those big hamburgers, we were pleased.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Petri Volanen
Forest of Light |
Spring Morning - Part I' |
that reminds me of the song, " mist, and the land ", by desert chang.
Monday, March 21, 2011
There She Goes- The Babyshambles
I do declare I was surprised to see you stay
only to be betrayed by the one you gave all your love and trust to
And tell me how could I let go
Since I caught a glimpse of your immense soul
You were dancing to northern soul
Just one glance, and well you know...
There she goes a little heartache
There she goes a little pain
Make no mistake, she sheds her skin like a snake
On the dirty road to fame, dirty road to fame my lord now,
Oh There she goes a little heartache
There she goes a little pain
Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake
You're going to walk the plank again, walk the plank again my lord now
I was to implore that you forget all you saw
When you came through my door and from your bag
You pulled out more skag than I'd ever seen
No! how could I let go?
Since I caught a glimpse of your white plimsoles
Twisting and turning to northern soul
Just once glance, ah well you know,
Everybody knows
There she goes a little heartache
The she goes a little pain
Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake
On the dirty road to fame, dirty road to fame my lord now
There she goes a little heartache
There she goes a little pain
Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake
You're going to walk the plank again, walk the plank again
There she goes a little, there she, there she, there she goes
radiohead- bloom
Joy Division - Disorder
Until the spirit new sensation takes hold, then you know,
I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling,
Soviet - Candy Girl
I do declare I was surprised to see you stay
only to be betrayed by the one you gave all your love and trust to
And tell me how could I let go
Since I caught a glimpse of your immense soul
You were dancing to northern soul
Just one glance, and well you know...
There she goes a little heartache
There she goes a little pain
Make no mistake, she sheds her skin like a snake
On the dirty road to fame, dirty road to fame my lord now,
Oh There she goes a little heartache
There she goes a little pain
Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake
You're going to walk the plank again, walk the plank again my lord now
I was to implore that you forget all you saw
When you came through my door and from your bag
You pulled out more skag than I'd ever seen
No! how could I let go?
Since I caught a glimpse of your white plimsoles
Twisting and turning to northern soul
Just once glance, ah well you know,
Everybody knows
There she goes a little heartache
The she goes a little pain
Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake
On the dirty road to fame, dirty road to fame my lord now
There she goes a little heartache
There she goes a little pain
Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake
You're going to walk the plank again, walk the plank again
There she goes a little, there she, there she, there she goes
radiohead- bloom
Open your mouth wide
Universal sighs
And while the ocean blooms
It’s what keeps me alive
So I lose and start over
Don’t blow your mind with why
Universal sighs
And while the ocean blooms
It’s what keeps me alive
So I lose and start over
Don’t blow your mind with why
I’m moving out of orbit
Turning in somersaults
Turning in somersaults
I dive into those eyes
I dive into those eye
Timid fish go by
Turning in somersaults
Turning in somersaults
I dive into those eyes
I dive into those eye
Timid fish go by
Joy Division - Disorder
Until the spirit new sensation takes hold, then you know,
I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling,
Soviet - Candy Girl
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion :Mishima Yukio
chapter 10
chapter 10
Friday, March 18, 2011
dear wisdom, did you sing a song or a poem
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騷夏。瀕危動物 |
她把蛋帶回棉被窩裡孵 結果孵出了一顆鑽石戒指
爸爸看到媽媽在大門的貨地窗前對他搖手 並且很滿意地笑
爸爸說:你是在對我招手嗎? 妳看我回家很開心嗎?
媽媽說:不是 我是在看我戒指上的鑽石亮不亮
爸爸知道妹妹孵蛋的事以後 就看出了她的才華
於是爸爸每天回來 都會帶著各種不同的蛋給妹妹
有巧克力蛋 有草莓蛋 奶昔蛋 小熊髮飾蛋
大蛋破殼的那天 全家都圍過來
妹妹很細心 繼續把蛋一個一個給孵出來
媽媽說:但有真蛋和假蛋 要看到真蛋才能孵 不然會做白工
所以妹妹在孵蛋前 都會先用燈泡照一下
妹妹說我的屁股那麼多脂肪 肉彈的胸膛看起來也很溫暖 可以一起來幫忙
我說好 然後 我突然一個跌倒 就把蛋給坐破了
爸爸和媽媽對我搖搖頭 要我多和妹妹學習
他們很替我擔心 他們說不喜歡孵蛋也要學習習慣
似乎練了一段時間 但是我也似乎很快就忘了這件事
直到一天 上床睡覺前 妹妹告訴我
她的口氣變得很兇 疑神疑鬼的
那一陣子裡 妹妹除了努力的孵出她自己生的蛋
其它的 她就不管了
所以那一陣子 我們機都沒有禮物
我都在猜 妹妹生的蛋 會孵出什麼?
媽媽說:根本就不用猜 蛋裡面一定是個男人
爸爸說:在古代 太自私的女兒 都會被鞭打的
妹妹如果被敲頭坐為懲罰 那麼 我應該打成腦震盪
總而言之 那天大家的心情都不太好
最難過的孩是妹妹了 等到夜深 大家都案靜的躺平了
我卻從棉被縫看見 她把她的蛋抱了出來
她伸進去一根長柄湯匙 然後順時鐘方向開始攪攪攪
她就緩緩抱起那顆蛋 一口一口慢慢喝掉
她說她要變得更健康 將來 要為自己生下更健康的蛋
她把蛋帶回棉被窩裡孵 結果孵出了一顆鑽石戒指
爸爸看到媽媽在大門的貨地窗前對他搖手 並且很滿意地笑
爸爸說:你是在對我招手嗎? 妳看我回家很開心嗎?
媽媽說:不是 我是在看我戒指上的鑽石亮不亮
爸爸知道妹妹孵蛋的事以後 就看出了她的才華
於是爸爸每天回來 都會帶著各種不同的蛋給妹妹
有巧克力蛋 有草莓蛋 奶昔蛋 小熊髮飾蛋
大蛋破殼的那天 全家都圍過來
妹妹很細心 繼續把蛋一個一個給孵出來
媽媽說:但有真蛋和假蛋 要看到真蛋才能孵 不然會做白工
所以妹妹在孵蛋前 都會先用燈泡照一下
妹妹說我的屁股那麼多脂肪 肉彈的胸膛看起來也很溫暖 可以一起來幫忙
我說好 然後 我突然一個跌倒 就把蛋給坐破了
爸爸和媽媽對我搖搖頭 要我多和妹妹學習
他們很替我擔心 他們說不喜歡孵蛋也要學習習慣
似乎練了一段時間 但是我也似乎很快就忘了這件事
直到一天 上床睡覺前 妹妹告訴我
她的口氣變得很兇 疑神疑鬼的
那一陣子裡 妹妹除了努力的孵出她自己生的蛋
其它的 她就不管了
所以那一陣子 我們機都沒有禮物
我都在猜 妹妹生的蛋 會孵出什麼?
媽媽說:根本就不用猜 蛋裡面一定是個男人
爸爸說:在古代 太自私的女兒 都會被鞭打的
妹妹如果被敲頭坐為懲罰 那麼 我應該打成腦震盪
總而言之 那天大家的心情都不太好
最難過的孩是妹妹了 等到夜深 大家都案靜的躺平了
我卻從棉被縫看見 她把她的蛋抱了出來
她伸進去一根長柄湯匙 然後順時鐘方向開始攪攪攪
她就緩緩抱起那顆蛋 一口一口慢慢喝掉
她說她要變得更健康 將來 要為自己生下更健康的蛋
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Night mother,Marsha Norman
Actually Mrs.norman writes scripts.(the script would be partially provided here) and the head of the the theatre said that this script just got Pulitzer Prizes that no wonder only conversations covered in the whole play, no more music, no more characters , no more scenery.
ya this is the first time for me to join this kind of show, so i shouldn't give comments on their performance. but btw i have to say that it's shock to be so close to 'em.
During the drama, i just kept wondering why she(the daughter) kept asking her mother some trivial things and kept emphasized that she would commit suicide that night. so did every suicider claim or announce their date advanced? it doesn't look like she was too tired to live, it sounded like she just want to strike her resentful. and to speak frankly,it was just a "explanation" to rationalize her death! And audiences were swept by the sadness, and said "oh, i still cannot come over with it". hey, how about the position were just exchanged? how about the mother said she doesn't want to live? no one would say the debt of the raising gratitude, so it means she deserved it? hey, i just want to say, the point isn't about the live or death, i just want to ask, why do we rule ourselves? we can't choose to be birthed, why can't we choose death on our own?
for me, epilepsy, failure of love, death of lover, fail of career, and so on, they ain't to be the reasons.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sway, sway
Mumford & Sons - White Blank Page
Oh Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
Taken By Trees - "My Boys"
High Highs - Open Season
the alarm cloks - yeah
Oh Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
Taken By Trees - "My Boys"
High Highs - Open Season
the alarm cloks - yeah
Oh Land, are you Faye?
March 19, 2011, 4:22 PM
A Range of Styles in Three Performances
By JON PARELESJosh Haner/The New York Times1, 2, 3 performing at Club de Ville in Austin on Friday. |
Oh land - the English-friendly stage name of the Danish songwriter Nanna Ø and Fabricius — brought a jazzy, tech-savvy ingenuity to dance-pop songs. Her beats pushed with syncopation rather than bombast; her voice was both elfin and strong, flicking her zigzagging melody lines across the music. Using an electronic percussion gizmo, she tapped out lines in counterpoint to what she was singing; every so often she electronically harmonized her voice into a chorus, but she’s one singer who needs no Auto-Tune. Her songs are snappy, with elegant little convolutions, and she performed them while twirling merrily around the stage, sharing the delight of a pop craftsmanship that eludes formulas.
Jamie Woon, a British singer who’s learned quite a few things from Stevie Wonder — vocal Arabesques, funk vamps — but applied them with a darker, moodier sensibility. He used the stark pulses and surreal glow of electronic dance music, sometimes switching to more live instruments partway through, to surround minor-mode tunes that sounded far less optimistic than his lyrics: “How will we get through tomorrow every day?/I don’t know but we get through it anyway.” For all their positive thinking, the songs had a mournful streak.
1,2,3 — a band from Pittsburgh with a Google-defying name — fought technical problems to play songs that put cantankerous twists into taut rock structures. During its brief set, songs hinted at lurching roots-rock, Talking Heads’ new wave funk, the keyboard filigree of progressive rock and the slow roll of a soul ballad. Lead vocals had a wry, scratchy edge, even as they delivered scrappy, snappy choruses: “I’m scared,” went one, “but not that scared.”
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
second。green with envy
green means in experience or new to something
new to particular job
i am a big green in this field so i need to be more practice.
one said:"a bird in a hand is worth two in a bush "
# Multi-exposure
* switch from Off to P-mode while pressing SELF * the display will show 0 left of number of shot, e.g. 0[03] * with each exposure, the left number increases, e.g. 1[03], 2[03] etc.. * switch to Off, and the film is transported to the next frame.
* more than 9 exposures are possible, but not indicated.
# Manual selection of flash guide number
* switch from Off to P-mode while pressing SELECT * keep pressing SELECT and use UP/DOWN for GN selection * when releasing SELECT, camera displays [PFl].
* switch to Off, and the selection is deleted. * when required GN number is not available, select nearest lower number, e,g. GN24 not available, then select GN23.
# Infrared auto focus * load film, and switch camera on (P, A, or M mode)
* IR film is non DX, so requires pressing the shutter release button to advance to frame 1.
* switch to A mode, then press SELECT until ISO values are displayed. Within 3 secs, press DOWN untill [—] is shown. press MF once to display [750] (corresponding to Konica IR750 film) press MF twice to display [850] (corresponding to Kodak’s 850 film) (the numbers correspond to the wavelength the films are sensitive for)
* after 3 secs, the display will show [iso 100], acknowledging successful setting of IR value.
* for correct exposure, consult the data sheet of the film. # Fast exposure setting (fast related to setting, not exposure!)
* select aperture in M-mode.
* partially press shutter release button.
* display shows proper shutter time. * press UP or DOWN, and that time is selected. This allows for a very quick spotmetering. When now the composition is changed, including DOF, the measured time still is used. # Auto-bracketing * switch to M-mode and press SELECT until [+/- 0.0] is shown.
* use UP/DOWN to select increment, from 1/3 to 2 stops. * when pressing shutter release, three exposures are taken.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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